Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I ran into a friend of mine this morning who works for another broker in Centreville and he asked me how things were going for us. When I told him how well you were doing this year he said – wow. He said the advice his from his broker was to take time off because houses weren’t selling and for them to wait and see what happens with the market and how the “Relief Package” will affect our market. Hum.

I relayed this story to our buddy and eternal optimist, Kent Eley, and he told me of other agents who have communicated similar stories to one of his lenders. Not just in Centreville, but throughout Northern Virginia. What he told Kent was, agents are turning down business because they say houses aren’t selling, no one is buying, let’s wait and see what happens next year. Yes, that’s right, NEXT YEAR! Isn’t that over 2 months away? Let’s give them the advice someone gave me about my golf game - take 2 months off, then quit!

The questions I pose are: What kind of advice is this? What kind of leadership role is this? How will the agents now communicate with their clients after hearing this advice or believing this to be true? And most importantly, HOW WILL YOU RESPOND?

As we know, from our numbers, business is happening. When houses are in the right condition, staged right and are priced right, they are selling. That means - people are buying – Hello McFly. As we get closer to the end of the year, I challenge you to step it up a notch and take the business that these agents are leaving on the table. There is no time like the present. Help people make the right decision about buying or selling real estate by giving them the facts, and not by letting them believe what they read in the papers or hear on the news. Get it? Got it? Good!