Monday, December 29, 2008

Resolutions…will you resolve to reach them this year?

As we move towards the end of the year, thoughts of setting New Year’s resolutions come across many of our minds. There are some old standbys…lose weight, exercise, eat healthier, stop smoking, etc. – we’ve heard them all before. This year, let’s focus on your business. Let’s resolve to break old, bad habits that aren’t working for you in your business and resolve to make this your best year ever in real estate!

Start by making it happen and stop waiting for it to come to you. Be proactive not stagnant – set realistic goals, set a plan of action and attain them. Get on the phone and call your sphere – now is a great time to ask them about their holidays. Get involved in networking groups to build your business to business referrals – you scratch their back they will scratch yours! Get involved in associations and be an active participant in them to gain exposure. Host client appreciation parties or participate in the ones the office provides you.

Get educated. Read all you can about the market. Read books on real estate. Preview properties. Go to trainings. Get a designation. Go to seminars and conventions. Go to our Real Estate Information Exchanges. Research trends in our market. Become “the” expert to your sphere.

Set a schedule. Many people don’t know what they are going to do day to day. More people plan a vacation or holiday party than they do their life OR business. Realize what it takes to be a success in the business, put it in your calendar and do it. Put regularly scheduled office events, open houses, seminars and conventions in your calendar now. When you put it in writing it is more likely to happen!

Become accountable. This one is huge! When you have someone to work with to help you achieve your goals, you are more likely to attain them. This is one of the most important “blocking and tackling” drills in your business. Make sure you and your partner or team members keep the feedback on this piece of your plan positive so you can stay on track. When negativity creeps in, people drift and no longer will participate in accountability programs.

Practice, rehearse, and practice again your presentations. Think of common objections you hear and what the answers are or ask someone for help in getting the right answer. If you know what you are going to say and when in conversations or in meetings, you look more professional and will gain more respect from those you encounter which will lead to more referrals!

Give excellent service, give the right answers or go find them for clients, give referrals to other “experts”, give back to the community, give back to your company and then ASK FOR REFERRALS!

Treat others with respect. Return phone calls promptly, keep a cool head, communicate effectively and be responsive to others and their needs. Be punctual. Do what you say you are going to do – be reliable.

Lastly, be positive. Be an optimistic realist. Give the right advice in the right way. It will help propel your business.

These processes are not rocket science but they may seem daunting. Don’t let them be. Take on small, manageable tasks each of the next 7 days and you will be on your way to a successful year. As the saying goes, you eat an elephant one bite at a time. Don’t let setbacks set you back – keep plugging away and work your plan so your plan will work. Make adjustments when necessary and ask for help when needed. As they say in the Special Olympics, some dream of success, others wake up and work for it! I say, wake up and work for it! Get it? Got it? Good!