Wednesday, November 19, 2008

From Bad News to Good....only you can change it!

There is a saying that states “bad news travels fast”. As we know in nature, what goes up must come down. Combining these two scenarios, we can conclude that “good news travels slowly”.

We at RE/MAX Gateway are living in the real world of real estate. We see the market improving, prices stabilizing, inventory dropping, multiple contracts in many different price ranges, rates declining (but only temporarily), plenty of financing options, and seeing realistic sellers doing what it takes to get their homes sold. Why isn’t anyone out there listening? Sometimes I find myself asking, if a tree falls in the woods, does it make any sound?

In addition, we hear that all real estate is local. Well, we have some belief that people will have to start listening. The Federal government is slated to pump billions of dollars into the National Economy. Where is the government that is doing this located? Uh, just across the Potomac River. Where are companies located that will benefit from this cash infusion? Uh, Northern Virginia! What kind of companies will benefit from the stimulus package? A few that come to my mind are banks, government contractors, and locally, commercial real estate brokerages. When these markets improve, so will their service provider’s businesses. In theory this would be a pretty good scenario for us if it comes to fruition.

The media’s opinion is beginning to change – slowly. Imbedded in papers, newsletters, and conversations we are beginning to see what we have been saying for a while now. The Washington Business Journal, Kiplinger Letter and people we speak with regularly are saying it – The Washington real estate market is the place to be! We were one of the first markets to crash so we are one of the first to rebound.

You can get busy believing or you can keep waiting – waiting for the media to put the rebound on the front page – waiting for news channels to lead their telecast with the rebound - waiting for clients to tell you they should come off the fence – waiting for a paycheck to come in every two weeks because you won’t be in real estate when this happens. Successful people don’t wait, they go get it! Get it? Got it? Good!