Thursday, April 02, 2009

Prospecting Success

We recently covered your performance and the need to rehearse your presentations in all areas of your business – your elevator speech, buyer and sell interviews, etc. and what we need to discuss is how you get yourself in front of people to perform and how to perfect your prospecting.

Prospecting is an art – you must be able to communicate with people of all ages, nationalities and personality types in a friendly, open, positive, and informative way. Your delivery and first impression will get you further, faster with better results and you should receive more referrals in the end. It is imperative that you portray a professional image with a smile and that you make eye contact to show confidence and you are there to help them with their business, housing needs and more. By perfecting this first step in your prospecting efforts you will get results. Too many times we see and hear negative responses and body language that turns suspects away instead of into prospects that eventually move up your loyalty ladder – a phrase coined by my friend Don Hutson.

The question is where do you find the opportunities? The answer is simple and is twofold. First, virtually everywhere you go – from restaurants, to the coffee shop, to the grocery store, to the hardware store, to the gas station – there are people you encounter who are discussing real estate, picking up real estate magazines or see your name tag or RE/MAX pin and ask, “how’s the market?”. You must be prepared to act and answer to take advantage of the opportunity. The second answer is – get involved. Become active in networking through business groups – BNI and Chambers – yes, they are competitive but if worked right, through your performance, and worked consistently you can make it work for you. Become active in associations such as alumni associations, your real estate associations (not all members are Realtors), Parent Teacher Associations (if you have kids), your home owners association, condo board or any other similar associations and don’t just associate, participate. Join clubs – book clubs, car or motorcycle clubs, rugby clubs, chess clubs, or any other hobby club, just get a hobby and join the club. Join community organizations who are involved in helping others like the Rotary club, Kiwanis club, Optimist club, or one of the many other similar organizations to help others and you will be rewarded as well. Youth associations are always looking for coaches for all sports, umpires, and other volunteers – seek them out and help them out. It will pay dividends. Become active in a charity you believe in and dive in and help. Not everyone got right into real estate right after college so network with past coworkers – again, people love to talk real estate nearly every time they get an opportunity with an “expert” – be that expert. Become active in social networking and add valuable content to your profile to attract a loyal following. Blogging can be another tool to grow your database and attract a following by informing others about market conditions, changes in financing, commenting on property values, and so much more. In addition to all of these outlets, continue to market to your sphere of influence, past clients, with vendors, fellow church members, visit new home sites, etc and provide them with information that is valuable to them. As you see, there are so many options and opportunities you just need to keep your eyes open and go do it – get up and get out!

The next question is how do the doors open for you? The answer is give back, be active, be a resource, be a team player, provide valuable information to others by participating – not sitting on the sidelines – and by getting in front of others face to face through coffees, lunches, cocktails or client events or through voice to voice communications. You have to do more than email, blog, send direct mail, or personal notes, you have to get out there and get involved. Remember to stay positive, upbeat and be giving of your time, give good advice, and give it your all in any situation and you will receive what you are looking for both personally and professionally. The more active you are in these areas, the more activity you will see in your business and in your bottom line. Get it? Got it? Good!