Joe Theismann...a highlight of the RE/MAX Broker Conference

What a performance by Joe Theismann – again! Being a lifelong Washington Redskin fan, I experienced many of Joe’s outstanding performances on the field but at the RE/MAX Broker/Owner meetings in Chicago, he outdid himself with his speaking. He inspired many of us, surprised many more with his message and his delivery when he spoke about how he overcame a major challenge – a career ending injury – and how we can overcome our challenges in our lives by thinking about the following items.
• Be a part of something unique and special
• Think about what you will do to make a difference
• Who is it all about – the answer is – it isn’t you
• Embrace change
• Have a heart to heart with yourself – what do you believe in
• You can’t be a major success until you realize you can’t do it all by yourself
• Don’t accept failure
• Think, what can I do to help the team
• Who is your team
• Do you want to make a difference
• You have to want more for yourself – what will you give of yourself to get you there
• Reposition your attitude, thoughts, etc
• What do you do with a challenge when it is presented to you
• Have a passion
• Do it with enthusiasm
• Ask yourself, how high is your ladder – why does it have a last wrung
• Why do you believe in you
• Give and accept recognition
• Become an excited student – make it your mission to learn something today you didn’t know yesterday - everyday
• Fear is a motivator – what are you afraid of
• Attitude carries you to attain your goals
• To survive, you have to have written goals and post them. 98% of people don’t have written goals
• How will you know where you are going if it’s not written down and visualized
• Give yourself direction
• Life is filled with educational experiences not failures
• Be committed to having the feeling you can get it done
• Have pride in you, your company, your brand, what you do and why, and lastly be the best you – everyday
• Be reliable, accountable, available, be customer service oriented, have the right goals, the right attitude and be motivated
As I mentioned, he was right on with many of his statements and comments. So, the questions is, what are you going to do about it? Review the bullet points above, write you answers down on paper, review them and get started in a positive direction and live a more successful life. Get it? Got it? Good!
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